Supersaurus by Neil Slorance

We’re going to be updating this blog with pictures of the final t-shirt designs and some more about the artists and designers who we’re working with. First up is Neil Slorance , who designed Supersaurus for us. It’s available in white and is screenprinted onto an organic cotton t-shirt. Like all our designs, it’s suitable for boys or girls. Find out a bit more about Neil after the pics:

Supersaurus by Neil Slorance for Mimi and Will
Supersaurus by Neil Slorance
Supersaurus by Neil Slorance for Mimi and Will
Supersaurus by Neil Slorance
Supersaurus by Neil Slorance for Mimi and Will
Supersaurus by Neil Slorance

Neil draws things and does comics. You can buy his acclaimed book (nominated for several Scottish Indie Comic Book Alliance awards, don’t you know) , The Amateur Astronomer’s Journal from his etsy shop or buy it on Kindle.

Here’s a pic I took of a painting of Neil’s that I have.

Painting by Neil Slorance
Painting by Neil Slorance

I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s been described as follows:
“The dragon guy is firing the robot and it has made him not very happy. I like it, it is orange”

You can see more of Neil’s art on his tumblr.